• Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

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    The Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja is a potent spiritual practice rooted in ancient Indian traditions. It is designed to counteract the adverse effects of Kemdrum Dosh, a challenging astrological alignment that can bring financial difficulties, emotional turmoil, and obstacles in one’s life. This sacred ritual involves dedicated prayers, powerful mantras, and offerings to appease and balance the planetary energies. By engaging in the Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja, individuals seek to mitigate its negative impact, inviting positivity, prosperity, and harmony into their lives..

    On the other hand, a person having an afflicted Moon (Moon in enemy sign like Capricorn, Aquarius, Moon in its Debilitation sign Scorpion, Moon with malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu) in his horoscope is always prone to harbor negative thoughts in his mind, he is unable to adjust even with his best friends and family members and is never able to achieve success in his life which is full of miseries due to his own deeds resulting out of a Weak / Afflicted Moon.
    From: 10500

    Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 10500
  • Puja for Kasht Nivaran Overcome Hardship and Problem

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A Kasht Nivaran Puja (overcome hardships and problem) is primarily performed to get relief from various problems related to Health, Business, Career, Family etc. It can also be performed before any big auspicious occasion like Home Warming, Starting of the New Business, Going Abroad or Beginning of a new Career so that they can be done without any problems and obstacles. This puja also pacify any negative transit of planets like mars, rahu, ketu.

    From: 11500
  • Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam-Havan

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In Hinduism, Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam, also known as Havan, is a sacred fire ritual performed to alleviate and rectify various doshas or flaws in one’s life. Doshas can be planetary influences, ancestral issues, or negative energies that hinder progress, harmony, and well-being. By conducting this powerful homam, one can seek divine intervention and purification, inviting positive energy and blessings into their lives.

    From: 10500

    Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam-Havan

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 10500
  • Narayan Bali Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Narayan Bali PoojaNarayan Bali Puja When there is an untimely death, Narayan Bali Puja should be performed. Narayan Bali Puja should be performed to avoid premature death in the family. Narayan Bali Puja Garuda should not have any such sad incidentThere is a ritual described in the Puranas which is performed in all cases of premature death such as death by an animal, arson, curse, cholera, disease, suicide, snake bite, accidental drinking of poison, etc. It is also performed for dead persons who He was a great sinner.

    From: 9500

    Narayan Bali Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9500
  • Ark Vivah Manglik Dosh Removal Puja – Ark Vivah for Male

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ark mangal dosh nivaran puja or ark Vivah is performed for the male who is having Manglik dosh or having second marriage yoga in the horoscope. This puja helps them to get a happy life without any hurdles caused by the malefic effects of the bad planet in the birth chart.

  • Kumbha mangal dosh nivaran puja [for female]

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Kumbha vivah puja is one of the most amazing rituals performed in Indian spirituality which has a wider concept and has an amazing impact on Human Life who is in problem because of Manglik Dosh.

    From: 9100

    Kumbha mangal dosh nivaran puja [for female]

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9100
  • Vyapar Vriddhi Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vyapar Vriddhi Puja is most helpful for increase or get success  in Business.  This puja removes  all kinds of obstacles in Business and increase  Business, Wealth, Prosperity, Abundance. Protecting any Business against Enemies, Rivals, Competitors, Evil forces and Evil Eye.

    From: 9100

    Vyapar Vriddhi Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9100
  • Shrapit Dosha Nivaran puja

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    Shrapit Dosha is astrological bad luck brought about by a curse by someone during the past lives.  If a person has  dosha in his horoscope, he is unable to enjoy the luxuries and comforts of life even if they are available to him in abundance. Generally it occurs in a horoscope due to the person being cursed by someone in the past life or due to some inauspicious deed done by him knowingly or unknowingly in the past life. The Prabal Shrapit Dosha may continue from generation to generation if not pacified.

    From: 10500

    Shrapit Dosha Nivaran puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 10500
  • Angarak Dosha Nivaran Puja

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    Angarak dosh is a very malefic dosha in one’s horoscope. It can create havoc in one’s life. If Mars is aspected by any one of Rahu and Ketu or on these two planets, then Angarak Yoga is formed in the horoscope of the person. Performing Mangal Rahu Ketu Angarak Dosh Nivaran Puja & Yagna is considered very meritorious.

    From: 9500

    Angarak Dosha Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9500
  • Know about Brahmin bhoj- Importance and rules

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Brahmin bhoj is one of the rituals in the Hindu religion. According to Hindu scriptures, this ritual is intended for the departed souls of your ancestors. You can look for reliable service providers who will help you with online Brahmins bhoj. They will feed Brahmins on your behalf, and you do not need to deal with any hassle. They will make every arrangement for this custom.

    From: 6500

    Know about Brahmin bhoj- Importance and rules

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 6500
  • Surya Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The horoscope analysis of any person can show dosha in his life. Grahan dosha is one of them, and it can make your life annoying. You may not be able to progress in your life, and you will find financial issues. But, with online Surya Grahan dosh nivaran puja, you can remove inauspicious yoga from your life.

    From: 11000

    Surya Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 11000
  • Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    Vаstu іs аn аgе оld sсіеnсе rеlаtеd tо рlаnnіng аnd соnstruсtіоn. Vаstu рrеsсrіbеs bеst рrасtісеs fоr lауоut, рlаnnіng, соnstruсtіоn, іntеrіоr dесоrаtіоn аnd рlасіng оf оbјесts аnd furnіturе. Whіlе аbіdіng bу thе Vаstu suggеstіоns саn hеlр асhіеvе thе bеst frоm thе hоmе оr оffісе wе buіld, vіоlаtіоns оf thе Vаstu рrіnсірlеs wіll lеаd tо bаd luсk аnd sоmе unwаntеd еffесts tо thе hоmе оr еstаblіshmеnt аnd іnmаtеs. Оftеn undеr а соmрulsіоn оr hеlрlеssnеss, уоu mіght nееd tо vіоlаtе Vаstu guіdеlіnеs. Іf thіs hарреns, dо nоt раnіс. Тhеrе аrе sоmе Vаstu dоsh nіvаrаn rеmеdіеs уоu саn іmрlеmеnt іn оrdеr tо еsсаре thе undеsіrаblе соnsеquеnсеs. You cam chant vаstu dоsh nіvаrаn mаntrаs tо оvеrсоmе thе nеgаtіvе іmрасts оf а рооr vаstu аrrаngеmеnt. Vаstu dеv оr thе dеіtу оf Vаstu саn bе dеsсrіbеd аs thе реrsоnіfісаtіоn оf thе еnеrgу rulіng аnу sіtе. Тhіs іs іn fасt thе sоul оr еnеrgу аnd thе рrеsіdіng dеіtу оf аnу gіvеn рrеmіsе.


    Om vastu purushaya namah

    Веnеfіts of Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Removal of all Vastu Doshas

    For good, health, wealth, success and prosperity

    This puja can be done:

    1. With 11000 chants Duration: 1 day;  Number of priests: 4 INR: 9500
    2. With 21000 chants Duration: 2 days ; Number of priests: 5 INR: 21500

    Puja Service include

    Swastivachan, Sankalp, Ganesh Pujan, Kalash Sthapana, Punyiyahvachan, Abhishek, Shodask matrika Kuldevi Pujan, nandi shraddh Pitr Samarn, 64 Yogini Pujan, Vastu Pujan, Sarvatobhandr mandal Pujan, ShetraPal Pujan, Navgraha Mandal Pujan, 108 chants of Ganesh and nine Planets, Vastu Pujan , Yantra Pujan and Abhishekam, Vastu Mantra japa, Havan Aarti, Mantr Pushpanjali, Bhramin Bhojan

    Please provide your Full name, DOB, Time and Place of Birth and Puja Sankalp. You may also include names of your family members and near and dear ones in the Puja. You can use Skype to take Sankalp or see the Priest taking Sankalp on your behalf. For More Details Email Us or Contacts Us:- +918369513699

    You may also order Puja DVD or Live Streaming of the Puja by clicking on the following Link (Puja DVD and Live Streaming – Link).

    A short video of Sankalp being taken, along with Puja Photographs, Prasad and Puja Tokri will be sent after successful completion of the Puja. Puja will be held on an auspicious day and will be completed with all the required Vedic rituals. You will also be provided with the contact number of Punditji to speak with him or to listen to Sankalp being taken during the Puja.

    From: 9500

    Vastu Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9500
  • Surya (Sun) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Lord Surya is worshipped on a Sunday for name, fame, power and prosperity. As per Narad Purana, devotee worshiping and fasting on a Sunday to please Lord Surya will be freed from their sins and that they will attain good health and happiness. Different diseases and diseases must be healed and will have clear and clear intelligence. People who observe this vrat throughout their lives enter surya lok after their death. Surya Dev or Planet Sun is worshipped through Surya Mantra Japa or Surya Dosh Nivaran Puja.


    Om Grani Suryay Namah

    Surya Dev Puja Benefits:

    • For name, fame, power and prosperity
    • For blessings of Lord Surya
    • For self-confidence and success
    • For relief from various diseases

    From: 8500

    Surya (Sun) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 8500
  • Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja is done to mollify the Shani Graha or the Saturn plant. Among all planets, Saturn is the most feared. This puja invalidates the malefic impacts of Shani graha beyond what many would consider possible, so the individual under its evil impact can go off the stage with as meager mischief as could reasonably be expected. Shani is said to be both a supplier and additionally a destroyer. Shani is normally delineated as dark in color, dressed in black, holding a sword, arrows and two blades and is mounted on a crow, which is Shani’s vahana or bearer. Shani is otherwise called Sanaischarya, Shanishwara and Chaya Putra. Lord Shani is said to be guided by Lord Shiva. Legend has it that when Shani opened his eyes directly after birth, the Sun went into an eclipse. He was conceived on Amavasya of Vaishakh month and consequently, this day is praised as Shani Jayanti.

    From: 9551

    Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9551
  • Saturn Vedic Mantra Japa & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Shani Dev inspires one to embrace karma and truth in life. Saturday’s fasting and Shani Dev worship is done of every Saturday. The person who follows this fast should worship Shani Dev at the Brahma Muhurat in the morning on Saturday. Saturn worship of Lord Shani have been considered as auspicious and keeps one away from sorrow, discord, failures and leads to good luck, success and happiness. One of the ways to worship Lord Shani on Saturday is through Shani Mantra Japa. While reciting this mantra, one should also dedicate an oil lamp to Lord Shani and use of color black is also recommended.


    om pram preem prom sah shanaye namah

    Benefits of Vedic Mantra Japa & Yagna

    • For blessings of Shani Dev and relief from all miseries
    • For health, wealth, success and prosperity


    From: 9500

    Saturn Vedic Mantra Japa & Yagna

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    From: 9500

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