• Narayan Bali Puja

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    Narayan Bali PoojaNarayan Bali Puja When there is an untimely death, Narayan Bali Puja should be performed. Narayan Bali Puja should be performed to avoid premature death in the family. Narayan Bali Puja Garuda should not have any such sad incidentThere is a ritual described in the Puranas which is performed in all cases of premature death such as death by an animal, arson, curse, cholera, disease, suicide, snake bite, accidental drinking of poison, etc. It is also performed for dead persons who He was a great sinner.

    Narayan Bali Puja

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  • Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja is done to mollify the Shani Graha or the Saturn plant. Among all planets, Saturn is the most feared. This puja invalidates the malefic impacts of Shani graha beyond what many would consider possible, so the individual under its evil impact can go off the stage with as meager mischief as could reasonably be expected. Shani is said to be both a supplier and additionally a destroyer. Shani is normally delineated as dark in color, dressed in black, holding a sword, arrows and two blades and is mounted on a crow, which is Shani’s vahana or bearer. Shani is otherwise called Sanaischarya, Shanishwara and Chaya Putra. Lord Shani is said to be guided by Lord Shiva. Legend has it that when Shani opened his eyes directly after birth, the Sun went into an eclipse. He was conceived on Amavasya of Vaishakh month and consequently, this day is praised as Shani Jayanti.

    Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    From: 9551
  • Chandal Dosh Nivaran puja

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    Chandal yog means a phase in someone’s horoscope, thatis dominated by Rahu/Ketu, two demons placed on Guru or Jupiter house. The symptoms of thiosphase gets recognised as the person fails to take right decisions or even is unable to have a clear mind. Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja is the only solution this kind of traumatic stage in a person’s life. Sthapana or worshipping of Ganpati, Navgraha, Kalash, Shoadash matrika, are initiated in this puja. The person also needs to chant Ganpati and Rahu mantra to have a more decisive mind and perception. Inclusion of 17000 to 18000 recitations, makes the process very effective. Pushpanjaali, Aarti, Yajna and donation in a Saturn temple relieves the person from his eclipsed phase of darkness. Based on the birth details of the person and the status of Rahu and Ketu, the donations and recitals vary. It is always suggested to accomplish this puja under professional supervision of a pandit.

    Chandal Dosh Nivaran puja

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  • Navgraha Mantra Siddhi Japa

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    Navgraha Puja is worship of 9 Planets that are considered as Demi-Gods. Worshiping Navagraha (9 planets) or Navgraha Puja can be done throughout the year. It is believed that the 9 Planets have a direct impact on a person’s life. Navagraha or the nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) not only play an important role but it has been believed since ancient times that influences of the Planets in one’s horoscope leading to undesirable planetary arrangements leads to various difficulties and sufferings in life. For the said Puja we will chose the appropriate day of the month the puja will be carried out by our knowledgeable priests.


    Om Suryaaya Namah, Om Chandraya Namah, Om Budhaya Namah, Om Brihaspataye Namah, Om Mangalya Namah, Om Shukraya Namah, Om Sanaye Namah, Om RahaVe, Namah, Om KetaVe Namah, Om Navgarihaya Namah


    • Maximizes the positive impact of different beneficial Planets
    • Minimizes the negative impact of different malefic Planets
    • Acquire good health, happiness, peace of mind and prosperity
    • Remove all obstacles  and barriers of life

    Navgraha Mantra Siddhi Japa

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    From: 10000
  • Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg Рuја аlsо lеаds tо mаnу mіsundеrstаndіngs аs dіffеrеnt аstrоlоgеrs & dіffеrеnt nаtіvеs іntеrеstеd іn аstrоlоgу рrеасh аnd dо thіs рuја іn dіffеrеnt wауs. Тhе mоst іmроrtаnt stер іn реrfоrmіng аnу kіnd оf рuја tо rесtіfу аnу dоsh іn а hоrоsсоре іs tо реrfоrm thе сhаnt оf а Маntrа sресіfіеd tо rеduсе thе strеngth оf thаt dоsh аnd thіs сhаnt аmоunts tо а numbеr оf 125,000 іn mоst оf thе саsеs. Fоr ехаmрlе, а Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn рuја shоuld іdеаllу іnсludе а сhаnt оf 125,000 Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn mаntrаs аnd rеst оf thе рrосеdurе іs buіlt аrоund thіs сhаnt. То stаrt wіth Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn рuја, а sресіfіс dау іs сhоsеn fоr thе stаrt аnd соmрlеtіоn оf thіs рuја whісh іs dесіdеd ассоrdіng tо thе hоrоsсоре оf thе nаtіvе. Іt shоuld bе nоtеd hеrе thаt а Κааl Ѕаrр Dоsh Νіvаrаn Рuја саn bе dоnе іn thе рrеsеnсе оf thе nаtіvе аs wеll аs іn thе аbsеnсе оf thе nаtіvе аnd іn саsе thе nаtіvе іs unаblе tо bе реrsоnаllу рrеsеnt аt thе рlасе оf Κааl Ѕаrр Dоsh Νіvаrаn Рuја.

    Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja

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  • Shrapit Dosha Nivaran puja

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    Shrapit Dosha is astrological bad luck brought about by a curse by someone during the past lives.  If a person has  dosha in his horoscope, he is unable to enjoy the luxuries and comforts of life even if they are available to him in abundance. Generally it occurs in a horoscope due to the person being cursed by someone in the past life or due to some inauspicious deed done by him knowingly or unknowingly in the past life. The Prabal Shrapit Dosha may continue from generation to generation if not pacified.

    Shrapit Dosha Nivaran puja

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  • Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam-Havan

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    In Hinduism, Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam, also known as Havan, is a sacred fire ritual performed to alleviate and rectify various doshas or flaws in one’s life. Doshas can be planetary influences, ancestral issues, or negative energies that hinder progress, harmony, and well-being. By conducting this powerful homam, one can seek divine intervention and purification, inviting positive energy and blessings into their lives.

    Sarva Dosha Nivarana Homam-Havan

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  • Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

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    The Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja is a potent spiritual practice rooted in ancient Indian traditions. It is designed to counteract the adverse effects of Kemdrum Dosh, a challenging astrological alignment that can bring financial difficulties, emotional turmoil, and obstacles in one’s life. This sacred ritual involves dedicated prayers, powerful mantras, and offerings to appease and balance the planetary energies. By engaging in the Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja, individuals seek to mitigate its negative impact, inviting positivity, prosperity, and harmony into their lives..

    On the other hand, a person having an afflicted Moon (Moon in enemy sign like Capricorn, Aquarius, Moon in its Debilitation sign Scorpion, Moon with malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu) in his horoscope is always prone to harbor negative thoughts in his mind, he is unable to adjust even with his best friends and family members and is never able to achieve success in his life which is full of miseries due to his own deeds resulting out of a Weak / Afflicted Moon.

    Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

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  • Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    Pitra Dosh Puja is typically performed by those born with Sun and Rahu conjunct in the ninth house. This Dosha develops in the horoscope of someone whose ancestors could not achieve tranquility due to religious ceremonies at the moment of death. Pitra Dosha is said to bring sadness into a person’s life. Money loss, domestic issues, litigation suits, the inability to have a child, and job challenges are all examples of this. According to Hindu texts, we can obtain blessings for a happy and tranquil worldly existence by gratifying our forefathers who have passed away.


    No. of priests in Pitra Dosh Puja: 4


    Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja Duration: 1 Day

    Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja

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  • Surya Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja

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    The horoscope analysis of any person can show dosha in his life. Grahan dosha is one of them, and it can make your life annoying. You may not be able to progress in your life, and you will find financial issues. But, with online Surya Grahan dosh nivaran puja, you can remove inauspicious yoga from your life.

    Surya Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja

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  • Puja for Kasht Nivaran Overcome Hardship and Problem

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    A Kasht Nivaran Puja (overcome hardships and problem) is primarily performed to get relief from various problems related to Health, Business, Career, Family etc. It can also be performed before any big auspicious occasion like Home Warming, Starting of the New Business, Going Abroad or Beginning of a new Career so that they can be done without any problems and obstacles. This puja also pacify any negative transit of planets like mars, rahu, ketu.

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