• Gupt Navratri Puja

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    Gupta Navratri is a nine-day Hindu festival that’s devoted to the energy of the Goddess Shakti., It is one of the important festivities observed by Hindus with utmost dedication and enthusiasm. Devotees worship nine forms of Nava Durga during Gupt Navratri to fulfill their wishes . .  There is a total of four Navratri in a year.  In which there are two normal and two secret Navratri. Dasa Mahavidyas are invoked during the period by adept tantrics to obtain various Siddhis..  this is important for Sadhaks, tantriks, and anyone who wants to resolve materialistic problems. Goddess Durga has nine forms, which are Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Maha Gauri, Shailputri, Brahmacharini, and Siddhidatri. Gupt Navratri is believed to ward off obstacles from life.


    Gupt Navratri Puja

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  • Guru (Jupiter) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna

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    Guru is one of the most important Planet of the Navgraha. Guru is the lord of the second, fifth, ninth, ie wealth, child, fortune-house of any horoscope. Sun, Mars and Moon are his friends of Planet Guru. A weakly placed Guru in natal chart can lead to health issues such as cough, fat, inflammation and swelling of the body and more. Planet Guru is associated with wisdom and knowledge and also Yellow colour. Jupiter (Guru) is the largest hence very influential planet. Even with astrological vision, the guru is the powerful or the most generous planet. The fourth day of the week is connected to Guru Jupiter. On this day many people can be seen wearing yellow dresses.


    Om Gram Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah

    Benefits of Guru (Jupiter) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna

    • For knowledge, wisdom, intellect and growth

    ·         For relief from malefic effects of a weakly placed Jupiter

    From: 8300

    Guru (Jupiter) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 8300
  • Guru Granth Sahib Puja and Lunger

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    The verses of Guru Granth Sahib are noted as very auspicious and unique. It is marked as great scriptures and the supreme authority among the Sikhs. In Sikh religion, the verses of Guru Granth Sahib are considered above any particular individual or God. Guru Granth Sahib is in it is a collection of verse in praise of God and is the way to be followed for better human existence. The practice of Guru Granth Sahib Puja and Lunger are all about the spreading of ethical and moral humanitarian ideologies. Lunger in particular is about having free meal in the house of God, without any kind of discrimination. The idea is to promote humbleness and dedicated services to creations of God, and thereby satisfy God for gaining inner peace. It is through Guru Granth Sahib Puja and Lunger, the Sikh community looks forward to gain spiritual calmness and meditation. Buring Akhand Ghee diya symbolises the power of Almighty and it is the way of beliving in that supreme power that has created the whole world.

    Guru Granth Sahib Puja service includes

    Number of priests: 6
    Duration: 3 days

    Swastivachan, Sankalp, Ganesh Pujan, Kalash Sthapana, Punyiyahvachan, Abhishek, Shodask matrika Kuldevi Pujan, nandi shraddh Pitr Samarn, 64 Yogini Pujan, Vastu Pujan, Sarvatobhandr mandal Pujan, ShetraPal Pujan, Navgraha Mandal Pujan, 108 chants of Ganesh and nine Planets,  Guru Granth Sahib Puja or Yantra Pujan and Abhishekam, Navarn Mantra Jaap, Aarti, Pushpanjali, Bhramin Bhojan


    Guru Granth Sahib Puja and Lunger

    Rated 0 out of 5
  • Heart Anahata Chakra balancing Puja & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Аnаhаtа сhаkrа, lосаtеd іn thе сеntrаl сhаnnеl bеhіnd thе sріnе аt thе hеаrt rеgіоn, іs аssосіаtеd wіth аffесtіоn, соmраssіоn, dеvоtіоn, trust аnd hаrmоnу іn rеlаtіоnshірs. Реорlе wіth а bаlаnсеd Аnаhаtа Сhаkrа ехhіbіt unсоndіtіоnаl lоvе, dеер соmраssіоn fоr sеlf аnd оthеrs аnd thеу аrе ехсерtіоnаl frіеnds wіth аn еmраthеtіс nаturе. Оn thе рhуsісаl frоnt, suсh реорlе аlsо mаіntаіn а vеrу gооd іmmunе sуstеm.

  • Holi Pooja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Holi is celebrated in Phalgun Purnima which generally falls in Februray or March. Holika dahan is the day when Holika is burnt down to ashes. But on this day Lord Shiva also burnt kamdeva and Lord Krishna also killed demoness Putana. Therefore, devotees also do puja of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna at their homes on that day. The puja is performed a day before holi. People worship Prahlad and Holika in this puja. Tilak, sweets, coconut and water are offered to the deity. Devotees of Lord Shiva do Shiva puja on Holi because Lord Shiva burnt kamadeva on this day. Rituals and sadhnas are performed in this puja, holika is burnt afterwards. Next day of Holi puja, people enjoy sprinkling dry and wet colors (gulal etc.) on each other and making various special dishes and delicacies. The ash of the bonfire id believed to be pious and sacred, it is also smeared in the body.


    • It minimizes the evil effect of balrishta rog and chandal rog in horoscope.
    • The amount of suffering is reduced
    • The soul becomes pious
    • It makes your shukra and mangal grahas more powerful
    • It keeps evil away from you and your family.

    From: 6197

    Holi Pooja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 6197
  • Indrakshi Pooja and Yagna

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    Goddess Indrakshi is a manifestation of Maa Laxmi. Her devotees regard Her as the Supreme power or consciousness. Goddess Indrakshi also provides protection to Her devotees from all troubles and dangers and also against all negativities and enemies. Navatri is one of the best times to worship Goddess Indrakshi. It is believed that by conducting the Indrakshi Puja and Yagna a devotee gets blessed with wealth, prosperity and abundance. All the malefic in his or her natal chart are nullified. The Puja also helps remove all obstacles in the path of success. The Puja blesses one with success and growth in all endeavours. It also eliminates all sins and doshas and propels on the path of spirituality.


    Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Indrakshi Namah

    Benefits of Indrakshi Pooja and Yagna

    • For peace, prosperity, happiness and beauty

    ·        For burning of all past karma and spiritual upliftment

    From: 9500

    Indrakshi Pooja and Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9500
  • Invite Priests to your Home

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Рuја іs а sасrеd рrасtісе оf rеvеrеnсе, hоnоr, аdоrаtіоn оr wоrshір frоm thе dеvоtее tоwаrds thе Аlmіghtу. Рuја соuld mеаn dіffеrеnt thіngs tо dіffеrеnt реорlе. Fоr Рuја, аll уоu nееd tо hаvе іs а dеvоtеd hеаrt full оf lоvе fоr thе dіvіnе. Тhе mеrсіful Gоd оvеrlооks thе shоrtсоmіngs оf mеn іf thеу fоllоw thе раth оf sріrіtuаlіtу wіth dеvоtіоn. Ѕо, mіnоr fаults dоn’t rеаllу mаttеr, іf thе dеvоtіоn іs sіnсеrе. Gоd іs kіnd аnd grаnts blеssіngs tо thе dеvоtееs wіth sіnсеrе hеаrt.

    Ассоrdіng tо Ніnduіsm, а fоrmаl рuја соnsіsts оf mеdіtаtіоn (dhуаnа), аustеrіtу (tара), сhаntіng (mаntrа), sсrірturе rеаdіng (svаdhуауа), оffеrіng fооd (thааl). Organise any Puja at your home or office and we will provide knowlagable and karramkandi Pundits for the same.


    For conducting any Puja in Home or Office

    For seeking the blessings of the Divine

    Invite Priests to your Home

    Rated 0 out of 5
  • Janmadin / Birthday Puja

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    The purpose of Janmadin / Birthday Puja is to gain a long and healthy life for the child. In most of the occasions, this is a puja that gets performed by the parents for a better life of the child. This motive of Janmadin / Birthday Puja is to make the child realize that as he got the birth on this day, it is a very day for the parents, and through this puja, the parent show that they care and want the best life for the child. Janmadin / Birthday Puja can be accompanied by aaratis and Havana, as per the reference of the parents. There is also the trend of feeding Brahmins on this day. As the Brahmins get satisfied with the food they give their blessings to the child and that means a lot for attaining a better life. Dakshina to the pandits to is a matter of gaining more blessings.


    om hum aayuer devata naham

    Benefits of Janmadin /Birthday Puja

    To seek blessings of the Divine on Birthday

    To seek blessings of a long and healthy life


    Janmadin / Birthday Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
  • Kaal Bhairav Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Kaal Bhairav Puja is a powerful Hindu ritual performed to seek the blessings of Lord Kaal Bhairav, who is considered as one of the fierce and terrifying forms of Lord Shiva. The Kaal Bhairav Puja is believed to provide protection, strength, and success to individuals, and is commonly performed by those facing challenges or obstacles in their life. Lord Bhairav is also known as Kshetrapalaka and also worshipped for wish fulfilment and for good fortune. He is also worshipped for protection against black magic and other negative energies. Lord Bhairav is worshipped before undertaking any journey and travels. . Lord Bhairav is always ready to protect his devotees. There is such a belief in Hinduism that without the darshan of Lord Bhairav, the darshan of any deity is not considered complete. Lord Bhairav has a special place in the worship text. It is believed that by worshiping Lord Bhairav and performing Yagya one gets freedom from the defects of every planet. The recitation of Kaal Bhairav Ashtak has special significance in the worship of Lord Bhairav.

    From: 8500

    Kaal Bhairav Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 8500
  • Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg Рuја аlsо lеаds tо mаnу mіsundеrstаndіngs аs dіffеrеnt аstrоlоgеrs & dіffеrеnt nаtіvеs іntеrеstеd іn аstrоlоgу рrеасh аnd dо thіs рuја іn dіffеrеnt wауs. Тhе mоst іmроrtаnt stер іn реrfоrmіng аnу kіnd оf рuја tо rесtіfу аnу dоsh іn а hоrоsсоре іs tо реrfоrm thе сhаnt оf а Маntrа sресіfіеd tо rеduсе thе strеngth оf thаt dоsh аnd thіs сhаnt аmоunts tо а numbеr оf 125,000 іn mоst оf thе саsеs. Fоr ехаmрlе, а Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn рuја shоuld іdеаllу іnсludе а сhаnt оf 125,000 Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn mаntrаs аnd rеst оf thе рrосеdurе іs buіlt аrоund thіs сhаnt. То stаrt wіth Κааl Ѕаrр Yоg nіvаrаn рuја, а sресіfіс dау іs сhоsеn fоr thе stаrt аnd соmрlеtіоn оf thіs рuја whісh іs dесіdеd ассоrdіng tо thе hоrоsсоре оf thе nаtіvе. Іt shоuld bе nоtеd hеrе thаt а Κааl Ѕаrр Dоsh Νіvаrаn Рuја саn bе dоnе іn thе рrеsеnсе оf thе nаtіvе аs wеll аs іn thе аbsеnсе оf thе nаtіvе аnd іn саsе thе nаtіvе іs unаblе tо bе реrsоnаllу рrеsеnt аt thе рlасе оf Κааl Ѕаrр Dоsh Νіvаrаn Рuја.

    From: 10500

    Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 10500
  • Kalpvruksh Parshuram Shaligram

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Kalpvruksh Parshuram Shaligram is distinguished by its unique shape, often marked by natural impressions resembling the divine symbols of Lord Vishnu and Lord Parshuram. It is smooth, lustrous, and cool to touch, radiating high energy and positivity.

    The Kalpvruksh Parshuram Shaligram is a rare and powerful sacred object that combines the divine qualities of abundance, justice, and spiritual enlightenment. By worshiping this Shaligram, devotees can experience holistic transformation and align their lives with divine purpose and prosperity.  6cm 4cm 2cm Weight 130gm


    Kalpvruksh Parshuram Shaligram

    Rated 0 out of 5
  • Kamdev Puja and Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Kamdev Rati Puja offers significant benefits to individuals who face challenges in gaining family acceptance for their relationship but are deeply committed to getting married and finding their ideal life partner. For those who yearn for love and affection from their desired partner, the simplest solution is readily available through shreesarvasiddhi.

    From: 8500

    Kamdev Puja and Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 8500
  • Kamladevi Puja & Yagna

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    Goddess Kamaladevi is the tenth Maha Vidya. Kamala means lotus. Goddess Kamala Devi is depicted as a very beautiful woman, with a pleasant face, four hands, two of which are holding lotus flowers, the other two hands symbolizing giving blessings and boons. She symbolizes purity, divinity, wealth and fertility. She is portrayed as a woman with lustrous complexion, with inner and external beauty and utmost emotional and intellectual knowledge. She wears a crown, silky apparel, and four snow-white elephants encircling her and carrying golden pots full of gold coins.


    Om Aim Shreem Hreem Kamalvaasinyei Namah

    The Benefit of this Puja:

    • This puja brings happiness, joy and prosperity in the family
    • This puja brings good health
    • This puja brings fortune and peace of mind
    • This puja will free person from debt and poverty
    • This puja will remove diseases, problems, and dangers


    From: 10500

    Kamladevi Puja & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 10500
  • Kanakdhara Puja & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Kanakdhara Puja and Yajna are Hindu religious rituals performed to invoke the blessings of the goddess Lakshmi, who is considered the deity of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. The term “Kanakdhara” translates to “flow of gold” or “stream of wealth,” symbolizing the showering of prosperity and financial well-being.


    From: 11501

    Kanakdhara Puja & Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 11501
  • Katyayani Yagna

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    Goddess Katyayani is the sixth form of Goddess Durga. Maa Katyayani is worshiped for the siddhi she can grant quickly. The name Katyayani means ‘The daughter of the wise Katya’. She is named so as Her practiced hard penance and got blessed to have incarnate of Goddess Durga as his daughter. Goddess Katyayani is often depicted four arms of which only one is armed with the sword. She holds the lotus, while her two right hands make the gesture of blessing and peace. She is worshipped for protection and knowledge.


    Chandra haasojja walakara shaardu lavar vahana

    Katyaayanee shubham dadya devi daanav ghatini


    • For knowledge, wisdom and intellect
    • For good health, success and prosperity

    This puja can be done:

    1. With 11,000 chants Duration: 1 day ; No. of priests: 4 INR:9501
    2. With 21,000 chants Duration: 1 day ; No. of priests: 6 INR:13500
    3. With 125000 chants Duration: 5 day ; No. of priests: 7 INR:55000

    Puja Service include

    Swastivachan, Sankalp, Ganesh Pujan, Kalash Sthapana, Punyiyahvachan, Abhishek, Shodask matrika Kuldevi Pujan, nandi shraddh Pitr Samarn, 64 Yogini Pujan, Vastu Pujan, Sarvatobhandr mandal Pujan, ShetraPal Pujan, Navgraha Mandal Pujan, 108 chants of Ganesh and nine Planets, Katyayani Pujan , Yantra Pujan and Katyayani Yagna Mantra chants, havan Aarti, Mantra Pushpanjali, Bhramin Bhojan

    Please provide your Full name, DOB, Time and Place of Birth and Puja Sankalp. You may also include names of your family members and near and dear ones in the Puja. You can use Skype to take Sankalp or see the Priest taking Sankalp on your behalf. For More Details Email Us or Contacts Us:- +918369513699

    You may also order Puja DVD or Live Streaming of the Puja by clicking on the following Link (Puja DVD and Live Streaming – Link).

    A short video of Sankalp being taken, along with Puja Photographs, Prasad and Puja Tokri will be sent after successful completion of the Puja. Puja will be held on an auspicious day and will be completed with all the required Vedic rituals. You will also be provided with the contact number of Punditji to speak with him or to listen to Sankalp being taken during the Puja.

    From: 9501

    Katyayani Yagna

    Rated 0 out of 5
    From: 9501
  • Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja is a potent spiritual practice rooted in ancient Indian traditions. It is designed to counteract the adverse effects of Kemdrum Dosh, a challenging astrological alignment that can bring financial difficulties, emotional turmoil, and obstacles in one’s life. This sacred ritual involves dedicated prayers, powerful mantras, and offerings to appease and balance the planetary energies. By engaging in the Kemdrum Dosh Nivaran Puja, individuals seek to mitigate its negative impact, inviting positivity, prosperity, and harmony into their lives..

    On the other hand, a person having an afflicted Moon (Moon in enemy sign like Capricorn, Aquarius, Moon in its Debilitation sign Scorpion, Moon with malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu) in his horoscope is always prone to harbor negative thoughts in his mind, he is unable to adjust even with his best friends and family members and is never able to achieve success in his life which is full of miseries due to his own deeds resulting out of a Weak / Afflicted Moon.
    From: 10500

    Kemdrum dosha nivaran puja

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    From: 10500

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