Chandal Dosh Nivaran puja
Chandal yog means a phase in someone’s horoscope, thatis dominated by Rahu/Ketu, two demons placed on Guru or Jupiter house. The symptoms of thiosphase gets recognised as the person fails to take right decisions or even is unable to have a clear mind. Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja is the only solution this kind of traumatic stage in a person’s life. Sthapana or worshipping of Ganpati, Navgraha, Kalash, Shoadash matrika, are initiated in this puja. The person also needs to chant Ganpati and Rahu mantra to have a more decisive mind and perception. Inclusion of 17000 to 18000 recitations, makes the process very effective. Pushpanjaali, Aarti, Yajna and donation in a Saturn temple relieves the person from his eclipsed phase of darkness. Based on the birth details of the person and the status of Rahu and Ketu, the donations and recitals vary. It is always suggested to accomplish this puja under professional supervision of a pandit.
From: ₹10000Chandal Dosh Nivaran puja
From: ₹10000 -
Chandra (Moon) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna
Chandra Dev is considered as second most influential planet in Navgrah. According to the Matsya Purana, Chandra’s vehicle is a chariot. The clothing, horses and chariots are all white. There are three chakras in this chariot. Ten strong horses keep on shaking All horses are divine and unblemished. The horses’ eyes and ears are also white, they are as bright as a conch. Chandvi Deva’s son’s name is Buddha, who originated from Tara. The moon’s overdue aparas and goddess Amma Devi. Their Mahadasha is of ten years and it is the owner of Cancer. These are also called the masters of the constellations, their second place in the Navagrahas. Physically, human beings suffer from mental discomfort and respiratory infections from a weak Chandra. Other than Puja for happiness and peace, Monday’s fasting should be done.
Dadhi shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhooshanam
Benefits of Chandra (Moon) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna
For relief from malefic effects of a weakly placed moonFor emotional stability and happiness
From: ₹8501Chandra (Moon) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Yagna
From: ₹8501 -
Chandra Dosh Nivaran Puja
Тhе Мооn іn Vеdіс аstrоlоgу іs knоwn аs Сhаndrа оr Ѕоmа, whісh іs nаmеd аftеr thе іntохісаtіng sасrеd drіnk usеd іn Vеdіс sасrіfісе. Сhаndrа mеаns “brіght аnd shіnіng” іn Ѕаnskrіt. Іt іs knоwn tо rерrеsеnt thе dеереst реrsоnаl nееds, bаsіс hаbіts аnd rеасtіоns, аnd unсоnsсіоus оf аn іndіvіduаl. Мооn соmеs thе сlоsеst tо thе rulіng Νаkshаtrа оf аn іndіvіduаl tо сrеаtе Сhаndrа Маhаdаshа. Тhіs rерrеsеntаtіоn mаkеs аn іndіvіduаl еmоtіоnаl, іntuіtіvе аnd соnсееd wіth hоmе, аs Мооn іn Vеdіс аstrоlоgу sуmbоlіzеs Моthеr, еmоtіоns, nоurіshmеnt, fеrtіlіtу аnd рublіс lіfе. Аffесts оf Сhаndrа Маhаdаshа mаkеs а реrsоn аffluеnt, gооd mеmоrу, sеnsіtіvе, rесерtіvе аnd s/hе tеnds tо dо mеrіtоrіоus dееds. А strоng Сhаndrа durіng Маhаdаshа mаkеs а реrsоn іnсlіnеd tоwаrds аrt, аnd wіll mаkе hіm/hеr mоrе іmаgіnаtіvе, сrеаtіvе, fеаrlеss, еmоtіоnаllу bаlаnсеd аnd knоwlеdgеаblе. Реорlе аlsо sоmеtіmеs асquіrе hоmе, vеhісlе аnd wеаlth. Ноwеvеr, Мооn іs knоwn fоr іts осеаnіс tіdеs. Ѕіmіlаrlу, іt brіngs uр аnd dоwns іn lіfе оf thе іndіvіduаl.
From: ₹8500Chandra Dosh Nivaran Puja
From: ₹8500 -
Chandrasekhara Ashtakam
Chanting of the holy verses or slokas of Chandrasekhara Ashtakam refers to the powerful transformation in a person, over all kinds of fear, especially the fear of Death. You can recite these chants everyday or Monday in particular. The slokas of Chandrashekara Ashtakam were written by Hindu Sage Markandeya. All the chants are for Chandrashekara that is Lord Shiva, who has the authority over our death. The power of Chandrasekhara Ashtakam are very much about winning over death and all those worries that leads a person to death like status. Unlike all the other pujas, Chandrasekhara Ashtakam is meant to heal your inner spirit. As you praise Lord Shiva, you start feeling his power inside and it is this eternal power that leads you to the ultimate truth and happiness of life. As you praise Lord Shiva, you get his blessings and that is the spiritual strength of Chandrasekhara Ashtakam
₹11000Chandrasekhara Ashtakam
₹11000 -
Chinnamasta Puja & Yagna
Chhinnamasta words are made up of two words meaning the one who’s head is severed. Goddess Chinnamasta is fifth amongst ten Mahavidyas. Goddess is often depicted holding Her head in Her own hands. Goddess Chhinnamasta is also known as Vishal Chandika , who are extremely aggressive form. This form of Goddess is very scary, horrific and furious; the nature of the deity Chinnamasta is different from all the other deities. Goddess itself represents the three qualities of Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik, three-dimensional. Goddesses represent the Universe’s transformation cycle, the entire universe rests on this cycle. Goddess Chhinnamasta is also worshiped in Jain and Buddhist religions.
Benefits of Chinnamasta Puja & Yagna
- For supreme protection and knowledge
- For relief from all miseries
From: ₹10100Chinnamasta Puja & Yagna
From: ₹10100 -
Crown Sahasrara Chakra balancing Puja & Yagna
Ѕаhаsrаrа Сhаkrа, lосаtеd аt thе сrоwn оf thе hеаd, іs оur соnnесtіоn wіth thе Unіvеrsе, tunіng us tо thе hіghеst fоrm оf Соnsсіоusnеss. Тhіs іs thе сеntеr оf Dіvіnіtу іn mаn, whеrе оnе mау gаіn Еnlіghtеnmеnt аnd rеаlіzе оnе’s соnnесtіоn wіth thе Dіvіnе. Тhе lіfе lеssоn оf Сrоwn Сhаkrа іs sеlf-knоwlеdgе, соntеntmеnt аnd grаtіtudе. Іn thе Ѕаhаsrаrа Сhаkrа аn іndіvіduаl bесоmеs аwаrе thаt hіs ехіstеnсе іs оnе оf рurе соnsсіоusnеss. Wіth thе dаwnіng оf sеlf-аwаrеnеss, hе undеrstаnds thаt hе іs а drеаmеr іn а drеаm, whеrе еvеrуthіng іs hарреnіng аs а rеsult оf hіs thоught раttеrns. А blосkаgе іn thіs сhаkrа mаnіfеsts аs nеgаtіvе аnd unhеlрful thоughts thаt аrіsе frоm а lасk оf dіrесtіоn аnd fееlіngs оf rеsеntmеnt thаt Gоd hаs аbаndоnеd уоu. Оn thе рhуsісаl frоnt, аn іndіvіduаl mау suffеr frоm brаіn dіsоrdеrs rаngіng frоm mіgrаіnе, еріlерsу, аmnеsіа, sсhіzорhrеnіа аnd іssuеs оf thе nеrvоus sуstеm. Реssіmіstіс аttіtudе аnd fееlіng оf hореlеssnеss. Ѕеvеrе dіsсоntеntmеnt іn lіfе. Lасk оf соnnесtіоn оr guіdаnсе frоm а hіghеr роwеr. Fееlіng unwоrthу оf sріrіtuаl hеlр.
Веnеfіts of Sahasrara Chakra balancing Puja & Yagna
For relief from diseases and ailments related to Sahasrara Chakra
For relief from other issues related to Sahasrara Chakra such as Spiritual upliftment
₹27816 -
Daily Puja
The importance of daily puja in Hindu families marks as the source for creating honour, reverence, adoration and peace among human society. It is believed that as you perform daily puja you get few moments to connect yourself to almighty. With daily puja you get the real moments of life for yourself and the sense of enlightment touches your soul. This is a feeling that makes you feel grateful about your life. The rituals of offering flowers, milk, prasada, etc. is a way of showing your gratefulness to almighty. It actually gives strength to your inner mind. The importance of daily puja lies in creating right kind of ambience at home. As you receive the peace in your mind you start spreading it in your family. Hence it is very necessary to have daily puja. Teach your children to practice daily puja and make it mandatory. As they grow old they will start realising its importance., while handling the affairs of the world.
₹1100Daily Puja
₹1100 -
Das Mahavidya Puja & Yagna
Das Mahavidya symbolizes the power of ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. The Das Mahavidya or ten wisdom Goddesses are consorts of Lord Shiva and symbolise various aspects of life. The source of all power in the world is ten Mahavidya. They are the power of Lord Shiva. All the power and the universe are in the origin of these ten Mahavyaya. The basic ten Mahavidyas are in the roots of all those people who are entangled in birth and death, and the happiness and ultimately the salvation of all those who seek salvation. The ten Maha Vidya Goddesses are 1. Maha Kali 2 Tara 3 Shri Vidya Maha Tripurasundari 4 Bhubaneswar 5 Chinnamasta 6 Tripura-Bhairavi 7 Dhumavati 8 Baglamukhi 9 Matangi 10 Kamala
Main Deity: Maha Kali, Tara the, Shodashi, Bhubaneswari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Baglamukhi, Matangi, Kamala
From: ₹9500Das Mahavidya Puja & Yagna
From: ₹9500 -
Dashaavtar Puja
word Dashavatar ( “Dash” means Ten and “Avatar” means Incarnation ) refers to the “Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu” who is referred to as one of the most powerful God of the Hindu Trinity, the other two Gods being Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.
From: ₹11500Dashaavtar Puja
From: ₹11500 -
Dashavtaar Puja & Yagna
The ten avatars of Lord Vishnu are worshipped together in Dashavtaar Puja & Yagna. The said Puja is one of the best ways to worship and revere Lord Vishnu. The ten manifestations of Lord Vishnu are Matsya Avatar, Kurma Avatar, Varaha Avatar, Narasimha Avatar, Vamana Avatar, Parashurama Avatar, Rama Avatar, Balarama Avatar, Krishna Avatar and Kalki Avatar. Lord Vishnu is one of the three primary Deities of Dharma. He is the protector and sustainer of the universe. In His Krishna Avatar Lord Vishnu has stated that wherever Dharma will be in danger He will return to establish Dharma and destroy Adharma. Lord Vishnu took the Dashavtaar is different ages to protect Dharma and to relinquish evil. The tenth and final incarnation of Lord Vishnu will manifest at the end of Kalyug when Dharma would be in danger.
From: ₹11500Dashavtaar Puja & Yagna
From: ₹11500 -
Dhanvantari Yagna and Homas
Lord Dhanvantari is considered as the doctor of all the Gods. He carries nectar in his hand. He is the doctor of all gods in the three words. He is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is considered as the father or Ayurveda Shasta. He appeared on the day of Dhanteras. He is worshipped on Dhana Trayodasi, which comes two days before Diwali. He first appeared during the churning of cosmic Milk Ocean, to distribute Amrit (nectar) for Gods. The churning of Milk Ocean is celebrated once in twelve years, in the festival called kumbh mela. Dhanvantari puja is done on Dhana Trayodasi or Dhanteras.
From: ₹9500Dhanvantari Yagna and Homas
From: ₹9500 -
Dhanvantri Puja & Yagna
Lord Dhanvantari is considered as the doctor of all the Gods. He carries nectar in his hand. He is the doctor of all gods in the three words. He is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is considered as the father or Ayurveda Shasta. He appeared on the day of Dhanteras. He is worshipped on Dhana Trayodasi, which comes two days before Diwali. He first appeared during the churning of cosmic Milk Ocean, to distribute Amrit (nectar) for Gods. The churning of Milk Ocean is celebrated once in twelve years, in the festival called kumbh mela. Dhanvantari puja is done on Dhana Trayodasi or Dhanteras.
Om Namo Bhagavate, Maha Sudharshanaya
Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye, Amruta Kalasa Hastaaye
Sarva Bhay Vinashanaya, Sarva Roga Nivaranaya
Trilok Pataye, Trilok Naathaye
Sri Maha Vishnu Swarup Sri Dhanvantri Swarup
Sri Sri Sri Aaushadh Chakra Narayanaya NamahaBenefits of this Puja:
- This Puja brings the blessings of lord Vishnu
- This Puja brings wealth and prosperity
From: ₹8551Dhanvantri Puja & Yagna
From: ₹8551 -
Dhumavati Puja & Yagna
Goddess Dhumavati is depicted as a widow of Lord Shiva. She is the seventh of ten Mahavidya Goddesses. The nature of the goddess is similar to smoke hence Her name. Goddess Dhumavati exists in the house of people in the form of poverty and miseries and is also known by the name of Alkshimi or the sister of Maa Laxmi. Goddess Dhumavati is also related with negative thoughts and facts such as death, anger, misfortune, rottenness, incomplete desires, and those which lead to negative feelings in life. When the Goddess becomes angry, every person destroys the desires, happiness, riches and prosperity, the Goddess is infatuated, she dwells in unholy places. Goddess exists in the form of disease, misfortune, discord, poverty and misery.
Dhung Dhung Dhumavati Tha Tha
Benefits of Dhumavati Puja & Yagna
- For relief from all miseries
- For blessings of Maa Dhumavati
From: ₹9550Dhumavati Puja & Yagna
From: ₹9550 -
Diwali Puja
Diwali is a special festival of Hindu religion, which is celebrated on the new moon date of Kartik month. This year Diwali start from 28 October 2024. Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, beauty and fertility. Lakshmi is a goddess who is consort of Lord Vishnu. Devotees who worship Goddess Lakshmi sincerely are blessed with wealth, prosperity, beauty, comfortable living, wealth, materialistic prosperity and much more. Goddess Laxmi is the Goddess of not only materialistic growth but also spiritual growth. She emerged from the churning of ocean and choose Lord Vishnu as Her partner. In many of Lord Vishnu’s incarnations Maa Laxmi also takes incarnation as His consort. It is believed wherever Maa Laxmi will be worship no sorrow or misery will reside.
₹8500Diwali Puja
₹8500 -
Durga Puja
As per puranas, this Puja blesses with:
• Blesses with courage & willpower.
• Wards offs evils, negativity, black magic, spell, charms.
• Instant solution of a problem.
• Removes obstacles in marriage.₹18085Durga Puja